June 26 - Ride on Lang-Hastings TCT
17 cyclists met in Beavermeade at 9:00 on another ideal day for cycling, after we had cancelled Jim Pare’s Hastings ride because of the forecast on Monday for T-storms! Robin had a package to deliver to Larry Pearson in Lang so we decided to join him. From the Ecology Garden we cycled south on Ashburnham over Hgw 7 to Technology Dr, east to the Keene Rd, south to the TCT & east to Larry’s home on the Indian R in Lang. Then cycled north on Lang Rd, south on Heritage Line (Cty Rd 34) to Base Line Rd & down the access lane to the TCT (this will be the designated route to/from Lang off the TCT with bike lanes on either side of Heritage Line). Returned to Peterborough on the TCT for lunch at The Porch & Pint after a 35 km ride. Some of us rode west from the Keene Rd on the rail line to Technology Dr (which is being decommissioned & will become part of the TCT on 2015). The eastern section thru a magnificent wetland has been completed to the rail tracks where there is a narrow path to the spur line, after that the going is tough on loose rail ballast. July 3 is the Hastings ride from Jim Pare’s home, see the note below
Group photo at TCT on Keene Rd