Rice Lake Ride - May 27 2015
14 cyclists turned out for this 35 km undulating ride led by Robin Maughan. The weather cooperated & apart from a strong westerly headwind was a pleasant day for cycling. Bill Ingram arrived late & although we had a leisurely ride only caught up to us in the Bewdley Municipal parking lot at the end of the ride! From the parking lot we cycled out Cavan Rd to Cty Rd 9 to an uphill climb east to Lander Rd. The climb divides into 3 sections with 2 level stretches in between which eases the strain. Lander Rd has spectacular views overlooking Rice Lake as you ride downhill into Gores Landing. After a break on the lakesore we rode east on Rice Lake Scenic Dr beside the lake into Harwood where some of us stopped at the artesian well to refill our water bottles then headed to the lakeshore & the railway bed of the Bellville-Peterborough Railway that was built in 1858. We then cycled into a brisk headwind south on Harwood Rd up a gradual gradient across Cty Rd 9 to Beavermeadow Rd. Turned west on Beavermeadow to Cty Rd 18 (Burnham St N) for a short jog north thru Plainsville to Cavan Rd which eventually takes you back into Bewdley. This part of the ride is beside the northern slopes of the Oakridge Moraine. After the ride enjoyed lunch on the patio at Rhinos (1-905-797-2744). Note that you must park in the large municipal parking lot south of Rhinos to avoid being fined
Lander Rd with Rice Lk in the background
Gores Landing photo
Harwood artesian well
Cavan Rd at Plainsville
Conrad led 7 cyclists today on a windy 23 km ride thru the city from Beavermeade, followed by lunch at The Porch & Pint. I now have 9 orders for cycling shirts so it’s a go.