Wed Oct 9 - Ennismore Fall Colour Ride
14 cyclists met in the Rotary Waterfront Park on the Ennismore side of the causeway for this ride on another gorgeous fall day. We cycled up Yankee Line past Tara Rd to McAuley Rd, west to Irish Rd, & uphill to Perdue Rd where you ride west thru a canopy of trees to Clonakility Line. The group split here, one group cycled south to Gifford Dr while the others rode up a steep hill (photo) to Arnott Dr cycling beside Chemung Lk to meet the others at the intersection of Clonakility & Gifford Dr (group photo). Continued east on Gifford Dr beside the lake to Dalhaven Rd then uphill to Peregrine Rd. West on Perigrine across Yankee Line to Tara Rd past the Quarry Golf Club to Ennismore turning east (right) on County Rd 16 past the Rec Centre & curling club to Ennis Rd, across Brick Rd to the Ennismore Waterfront Park. Returning to the cars on Connaught which has a grassy path between the paved sections to Cty Rd 16 & down to Rotary Park after a 30 km ride. Lunch was across the road from the cars at The Sippin Dip restaurant. Thanks to Jim McIntosh & Pete Gardner for selecting the route, leading the ride & arranging lunch
Irish Line - left click to enlarge
Clonakility hill looking south towards Chemung Lk
Group photo
Ennismore Waterfront Pk